Inside / Out

I’m always looking to use toy photography to express my emotions and connect with my audience. This six session workshop (we meet bi-weekly) is designed to tackle that challenge head on. What happens when we create images based on a specific emotion? Is there a difference between the public and private experience? Is there a difference between our internal emotions and a viewers response? Let’s explore the fascinating world of emotions together!

Much like the movie Inside / Out, we’re going to make visual representations of the six major emotions or their close cousins. What toy would you choose to express Surprise, Disgust or Fear? What would they be doing? Can you draw on your own experiences to bring an authentic experience to your images?

Oh the possibilities are endless!!

The weekly challenges

  • Surprise
  • Happy
  • Disgust
  • Sad
  • Fear
  • Anger

I’m super excited for this workshop and I think we will be pushing the envelope on what a simple plastic toy can convey. But I have confidence that when you channel your emotions into your work you will create compelling and thought provoking images.Images that connect with your audience in an intimate way.

This workshop is intended for the toy photographer looking for a challenge and would like to expand their storytelling skills. We will be exploring all the tools in the toy photographers tool box such as composition, color theory and posing to help ‘sell’ the emotions that are being expressed. Lessons learned through the challenges will help create powerful images that will connect with your audience.

This workshop is offered once a year. The next session begins April 25rd, 2024. You can sign up here, or contact me for a 30 minute conversation to answer you questions.