I know the impact that toy photography has had on my well-being and imagination, allowing me to tap into hard-to-reach emotions, encouraging much needed silliness and honing my storytelling skills. For this reason, I can’t keep all my tricks to myself.

These workshops take you on a journey of self discovery, empowering you with technical skills, storytelling methods and approaches to play. There’s a workshop for everyone, whether you’re a hobbyist or an advanced photographer.

Not sure which workshop is right for you? Get in touch.

Let’s get serious and play.

How they work

Workshops are photography based, and are structured to support your individual journey in a group setting.

Where: Online via Zoom

Time: approximately 2 hrs/class (except Masterclass)

Frequency: Six sessions over 12 weeks (except Masterclass)

Size: 4–6 people/session, allowing for plenty of discussion of your work

Photo challenges: To expand your photographic toolbox

Sharing: Participants share a final image, as well as behind-the-scenes setups.

Recorded sessions

New in 2024

Complimentary one-year Creativity Clubhouse membership—a casual and supportive monthly gathering via Zoom to connect, share images and learn new techniques.

Workshop Benefits

  • Find and expand your tribe of toy photography enthusiasts for mutual support
  • Expand your basic and toy photography skill set for either personal and/or professional growth
  • Learn to define your ideal audience to better connect with them
  • Rediscover your inner child and the mental health benefits of play
  • Understand the power of visual storytelling and the impact on the viewer

Workshop Offerings

Any workshop can be taken independently of the others, but they do build on one another. Each one adds new layers of skills and ideas to carry forward.

Below are brief descriptions. Click on “read more” for details.


While Myths, Metaphors and Symbols (see below) focuses on storytelling, Character Archetypes focus on the personas in your story. Archetypes can relate to your own life story or personas that intrigue you. This course lays a solid foundation for exploring visual storytelling. Read more or register now.

The next session begins October 3rd, 2024. 


You may have heard of the “rule of thirds” and leading lines, but in this workshop we will move beyond those basics and explore six new (I think ‘new’ is misleading. How about six other important, less used, important in toy photography or important to storytelling) essential compositional methods. From color to viewpoint, you’ll enhance your photo compositions for maximum impact. Read more here

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The Idea Factory I, II and III

Phot challenges are at the heart of this series of three workshops (six sessions each), pushing you to explore out of your comfort zone and bringing your skills and ideas to the next level. We’ll explore all aspects of toy photography and get a taste of visual storytelling. Read more here

Idea Factory I begins October 8, 2024. Read more or register now.
Idea Factory II begins January 23, 2025 (subject to change). Read more or register now.
Idea Factory III will be offered again in 2025. Sign up for my newsletter for updates.


Emotions define the human experience. What better way to connect with (your) audience than tapping into universal emotions? We’ll explore the six basic emotions through weekly challenges that reinforce composition, symbols, color theory and more. Read more or register now.

Next session begins April 25, 2024 (subject to change). Join my list for updates.

Masterclass Weekend

This information-packed and intensive workshop covers it all—from proper posing, toy supports, in-camera special effects, and more. I take you behind the scenes to show you how I created particular images. We can also deconstruct an existing image. Read more or register now

Next workshop: September 28–29. Register here. 


Add impact to your toy photography by imbuing your images with layers of meaning and symbolism. Six challenges will deepen your work and enhance your storytelling skills using mythology and key symbols such as animals, flowers and more. Read more here

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Strengthen your curatorial and storytelling skills through a cohesive image series. You’ll create 12–18 images and edit them around a single subject, idea, character, style or linear story. You’ll come out understanding how to create a compelling visual narrative, an essential skill you’ll apply to all your future projects. Read more here.

Join my list for updates.


Learn the basic elements of storytelling—character development, context, conflict, climax and closure. We’ll explore character archetypes, two-sentence stories, the hero’s journey, story arcs, transformation and more. Read more or register now.

The next session begins January 21st, 2025. More information can be found here or you can jump straight to sign up here

Where to start?

If you’re new to toy photography, I recommend starting with the Master Class. Here you will learn foundational skills which will help you tackle the challenges in other workshops. From there, dive into The Idea Factory I, II or III. (Each one acts independently as a series of challenges to give you ideas on how to create small stories with your toys.) Once you’ve completed any of the Idea Factory workshops, choose either Composition, Inside out, Archetypes, Six-Image Narrative or any of the Myths and Metaphor workshops.

Because Storytelling can be the most challenging workshop, I recommend taking this when you’re ready to put all your skills together. In this workshop you will write and photograph a multi-image photo story.