Fake It ‘Till We Make It
I’ve been a photographer for a long time; some might even accuse me of being an artist. I don’t like labels, so I will continue to resist these labels and settle for being just a photographer. But one thing has remained constant throughout my life as a photographer: the struggle to create art. Even after […]
Steal Like An Artist!
As I have been casting about looking for topics to blog about, a particular book title kept popping into my head: Steal Like an Artist. This little book made its way into our house a couple of years ago and even though it has an awesome title I never read it. In my desperation for a […]
Faking it or the art of photo editing.
One thing I learned while I was getting my BFA in Photography was that I am really bad at black and white photography. Color is my medium. One of the first apps I looked for after a good basic editing app for my iPhone/iPad was a good black and white photo editor. I was thrilled […]
Instagram as a Tool to a Better You!
Instagram will always have a soft spot for me because I continue to meet many great toy photographers there. But over the years, I’ve also developed my own voice and personal vision. There is something thrilling about posting images to Instagram and getting instant feedback from your peers. For almost two years I was posting […]
Back to Square One!
I was researching 500px today in my continuing quest to find other amazing toy photographers and I was impressed by the quality of the photos presented. If you are not familiar with 500px it is a photo sharing site similar to Flickr. It also has a secondary feature called 500px Prime which is designed to match advertisers up with photographers […]
Banksy is My Hero!
“The time of getting fame for your name on its own is over. Artwork that is only about wanting to be famous will never make you famous. Any fame is a by-product of making something that means something. You don’t go to a restaurant and order a meal because you want to have a shit.” […]
Is their life beyond Instagram?
Yesterday, I was out taking photos with my good buddy Mr. S (the genius behind Bricksailboat) and we had an interesting conversation regarding our involvement in Instagram and if there is life beyond Instagram for our photographs. After some introspection (not my strong suit), I realized this is what Me2 and I are trying to find […]
How far is too far?
With the prevalence of filters and their relative ease of use, how far is too far? Rarely do I jump at the bait of contests on Instagram, usually I’m too busy doing my own thing. But recently one caught my eye and I decided to try my hand. The parameters are pretty simple: create an image […]
A Brave New Future!
We will definitely get back to the Pandoras Box alluded to in the last couple of posts. But before we get too far ahead of ourselves I want to back track a little it. When I mentioned earlier that I had left both Facebook and Twitter in the same day, I probably didn’t mention that […]
Ready or not…
Three weeks ago I impulsively shut down my Facebook and Twitter accounts (more on this later), of course this was before “The Wager”. Me2 and I have a little friendly competition going to see who can get the word out fastest regarding our collaboration #StuckinPlastic. I chose Google+ as my preferred social media platform and with much […]