Purpose Clarity


The purpose, clarity program will take place over six sessions. We will work through the program together over four weeks with two follow up sessions to ensure you have the support you need to move forward with confidence.

Contact me directly to set up a mutually convenient time for weekly meetings.



According to Joseph Campbell “If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it’s not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take. That’s why it’s your path.”  But what if you cant see your path clearly? What if your path feels murky and you simply would like a little clarity before you head off into the future?

Well, then you’ve come to the right place!

I remember being asked to define my future. I was encouraged to dream and to dream big! But you know what? It had been so long since I had ever dreamed any dreams for myself I didn’t even know where to start! And even when I started to dream a future life that I would love living, my path forward felt vague and indistinct.

Then I was given the gift of clarity! And now I want to give that gift to you! I want to see you march into your future with confidence and joy living and loving the life that you deserve!

When you work with me over four sessions and two follow-ups, we will begin at the beginning and create a solid foundation to build from. And then we will dream audaciously about work from a place of possibilities. From there we will lay out various paths you can choose from and move into your exciting future.

I believe you have all the answers and my job will be to help you uncover your purpose and bring clarity to your dreams.

Let’s get started on building a life that you love!!

“A few years into retirement, I was always busy but not fulfilled, as I dabbled in many different things.  I would try something out, decide it wasn’t for me and move on to the next thing.  Working through the exercises in the Purpose Clarity course gave me a clear understanding of my strengths and interests.  Along with Shelly’s insightful guidance, I was able to determine where my true passions lie, and set off down the path to pursuing them.  Though there will be challenges along the way, I am truly excited about where this journey will take me.  I finally feel like I am on the right road.” – J. S.