The Idea Factory I, II, III


Six sessions every other week, 90–120 min/session, once/yr


Zoom (recorded session), email support


4–6 participants

Who is this for

Any toy photographer who is looking for challenges that will inspire creativity as well as feedback and ideas from your peers



Idea Factory III begins April 22nd, 2025

Register now 

Elevate your toy photography by learning how to generate new ideas in a supportive environment with other creatives.

We'll explore

  • Where ideas come from
  • The positive effect of play on our lives
  • How to create images that express your ideas and experiences
  • How to connect deeply with your audience
  • Strengthening your toy photography skills with each new challenge
  • The inevitable ups and downs of the creative journey
  • Stepping into your creative power


Because play can build resilience to daily life stresses, we’ll also explore:

  • How our values shape our creations
  • How to set aside time and space for yourself
  • Gaining tools and to become unstuck
  • Why we create
  • Connecting with our inner child

What they say

If you want a good next step in learning about toy photography this will certainly help you grow.
— Jeff, Fall 2023
“I really enjoyed all the different activities that we had every class, but mostly to see how every participant approached the task for every activity and the comments all gave about the photographs I presented.”
— Luis
“I have taken other classes on creativity but something about your approach is completely different and I “see” now what’s been missing in my photography.”