In the Idea Factory II we will continue to explore simple storytelling with toy photography. As always I will encourage personal self-expression and individual storytelling. I believe that impactful images as a result when we reveal a little bit about ourselves in our images. Each of the six challenges we will take on over 12 weeks will continue to expand your toy photography skill set while helping you to develop your individual style.


Every workshop I create is designed to expand your creative vocabulary and photo skills. The Idea Faculty II continues this tradition. In this workshop we will create images around the following challenges:

When you finish this short and fun filled workshop, you will have expanded your skills, and (hopefully) leave with list of ideas to pursue on your own.

The next session of The Idea Factory II begins on February 1st, 2024!! You can sign up here. 


All my workshops are photography based, except for Independent Projects. Over the years I’ve developed a loose structure that works well to support each person’s individual journey within the group setting.

If for any reason someone misses a session, I will always record our conversation. Photos can also be shown during other sessions to get direct feedback.

Toy photography is our creative break! I endeavor to make the weekly challenges fun, interesting and a place to expand your creative photographic toolbox.


While I have goals for all my workshops, everyone leaves with their own unique and new awareness around creativity. Here is a short list of ideas we will be exploring:

I should always put ‘Have fun!” first, because that is what these workshops are about. Let’s escape to the world of toy and photography for a few hours together!

NEW for 2024! Every participant in any of my workshops will receive a one year membership to my Clubhouse! The Clubhouse is a casual and supportive gathering of toy loving photographers. We meet via Zoom once a month to share images, learn new techniques and connect. 


“I recommend this workshop if you want a good next step in learning about toy photography. This workshop will certainly help you grow.” – Jeff A.



I call this image Zen and focus for 2024. One of my goals this year is to relax a bit more with my images and try not be so distracted. I want to focus on the the image, not overly complicate the scene, keep things simpler, and have fun. This image was created to remind me of my goal throughout the year. – Jeff A.