I went into this travel week with high expectations. With my upcoming group show just around the corner I was hoping for just one more killer image to include. As the week progressed I realized that the most important task at hand was not the perfect image but practicing my craft. I took the focus off the perfect image and focused on practicing what I love to do: macro toy photography.

My daughter’s piano teacher once said to her: “Practice makes permanence.” While this seems pretty obvious for learning the piano, it also works for photography. With practice you get faster at sizing up any outdoor location and lighting situation as a potential backdrop. I have also learned which mini figures work best for me; not every mini figure is created equally. Hopefully with more practice in the coming year those killer images will become more frequent.

As we move into 2015 I could talk about high flying new years resolutions, but honestly I think that simply continuing to practice my craft and push the boundaries of what I have already put into place will be challenge enough.

Did you make any photography new year’s resolutions?

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